10 Lies All Narcissists Tell

10 Lies All Narcissists Tell


Narcissism is often interpreted in popular culture as a person who’s in love with him or herself. It is more accurate to characterize the pathological narcissist as someone who’s in love with an idealized self-image, which they project in order to avoid feeling (and being seen as) the real, disenfranchised, wounded self. Deep down, most pathological narcissists feel like the “ugly duckling,” even if they painfully don’t want to admit it.

Narcissists frequently employ a variety of deceits in order to get what they want. Since, deep down, they don’t believe their real selves are worthy, scheming and manipulation are resorted to in order to succeed.

Narcissists lie about everything. There’s no such thing as a narcissist being honest about who they are, what they want, or feel. That’s the first thing you need to know.

Here are 10 lies narcissists tell and why you shouldn’t believe them:

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