10 Lies All Narcissists Tell

#1: Narcissists lie when they compliment you.

You know those nice words people say to make us feel good about ourselves? Well, when it comes to dealing with narcissists, compliments can be a bit tricky. Narcissists are masters of compliments. They use this tactic to manipulate other people. They could use this to manipulate you. So, picture this: You’re going about your day, minding your own business, and suddenly, out of the blue, a narcissist swoops in with a compliment. Sounds nice, right? Well, not so fast. What they’re really doing is trying to mess with your head.

See, narcissists have this knack for making you feel small and insignificant. They want you to doubt yourself, to feel like you’re not good enough, and one of their sneaky tactics is to bombard you with fake compliments. They’ll tell you how amazing you are, but deep down, it’s all a ploy to manipulate you. Now, here’s the thing: When a narcissist compliments you, it’s not coming from a genuine place of kindness. Nope, it’s all part of their grand scheme to control you. And let’s be real, this is dangerous.

So, if you ever find yourself on the receiving end of a narcissist’s compliments, remember this: Trust your gut. If it feels off, it probably is. Don’t let their sweet words cloud your judgment. You are worthy, you are enough, and you deserve better. And here’s the kicker: Don’t let them get away with it. Stand up for yourself, set boundaries, and surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you, because you deserve nothing less.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

#2: Narcissists’ fake apologies.

You know those moments when they say, ‘I’m sorry,’ but you can’t help but feel like something’s off? Well, you’re onto something. See, narcissists have a knack for apologizing without really meaning it. Sure, they might say the words, but don’t expect any genuine remorse. It’s all just a show to save face and avoid consequences. Ever wondered why their apologies feel empty? It’s because they’re more concerned about getting caught than actually making things right. So, next time you hear those two words from a narcissist, ask yourself: Is this apology for real or just another tactic?

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