10 Lies All Narcissists Tell

#3: They make promises about the future.

Ever had someone make big, shiny promises about the future, only to watch them disappear into thin air? Yeah, sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Well, that’s a classic manipulative move in the narcissist’s playbook. Narcissists are masters at stringing you along with empty promises. Why do narcissists do this? The answer is to keep you under their control. They know that talking about a bright future together can keep you hooked, even if they have no intention of delivering. To them, it’s not about honesty; it’s about control. They’ll say whatever it takes to keep you in their grasp.

Just because a narcissist makes you feel special doesn’t mean they’ll honor their word. They’re experts at manipulation, weaving a web of deceit to serve their own agenda. So, the next time you find yourself dazzled by their grand plans, remember this: Actions speak louder than words.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

#4: Narcissists lying about their financial situation.

Have you ever noticed how they always seem to boast about their wealth, painting a picture of luxury and opulence? Well, here’s the thing: It’s often just smoke and mirrors. Narcissists love to flaunt their financial status, making everyone else feel inferior in comparison. They’ll spin stories of mansions and fancy cars, but the reality might be far from the truth. Behind closed doors, they could be living in a modest apartment and driving a regular car. I mean, there is nothing wrong with it, but what is immoral is when they boast something that Is Not the Truth. Have you ever encountered a narcissist who brags about their wealth? After all, spotting the signs is the first step to Breaking Free from their grip.

#5: When narcissists say, “I love you.”

Narcissists lie when they say, “I love you,” because narcissists don’t actually love anyone. They only say this to manipulate you as they crave attention and validation from other people. They pretend to care because they want to hook you in. Narcissists aren’t capable of love; the only person they care about is themselves. They will say anything to get what they want. So if someone says, “I love you,” take it with a grain of salt and ask yourself: Is this person trying to get something from me? If so, what is it? Is this person manipulative? If so, how?

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