10 Lies All Narcissists Tell

#9: They lie about their feelings and intentions.

You’ll never really know what a narcissist is thinking or planning because there are no limits to what they’ll do to get what they want. Sometimes that includes lying to other people’s faces. They often pretend to have feelings that they don’t have, such as love and empathy. They might tell you that they care for you, when in reality, they only care about the benefits they can get from you. Narcissists are experts in molding your emotions like clay, so they say whatever they think you want to hear. If you are sad, narcissists will say, “I’m sad for you,” but deep inside, they feel happy to see you suffer.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

#10: I will change for the better.

The craziest lie a narcissist will say is, “I will change for the better.” This is a lie that many narcissists say to gain the trust of their victims. They will promise anything to make you think they have changed, but they never do. Why won’t narcissists change? Narcissists just want to keep you around to continue to use you for their own benefit. Remember, narcissists are incapable of change because their abnormally high ego prevents them from seeing anything wrong with their behavior or personality.

This is the reason why narcissists are unable to feel guilt or remorse over any hurtful things they may have done in the past or might do in the future. They like to lie a lot, and not just little white lies, but outrageous lies designed to keep you under their thumbs and in their control. They differ in degree of obviousness and complexity. They serve many purposes, but the motives behind the lie are always the same: a narcissistic supply source is maintained, verified, propped up, and protected.

Read More: 7 Clues to Spot a Covert Narcissist in Conversation.

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