10 Shocking Facts About Narcissism

10 Shocking Facts About Narcissism


If you think you know narcissism, think again. There are things that people tend to think about narcissism that isn’t true at all. Narcissists are self-proclaimed Masters of the Universe with a God complex and an inflated ego. They can be charismatic, charming, and even seductive, but their insufferable behavior can lead to so many problems at work and at home. Get acquainted with 10 shocking facts about narcissists and their relationships.

So, let’s just take a look at these 10 shocking facts about narcissism. Are you ready for this? Let’s dive in.

Number 1: Narcissists are not all the same.

The common misconception about narcissism is that everyone with this disorder is the same, but not all are the same. This disorder has subtypes, and each type has unique traits and behaviors. Not all are created equal. There is a spectrum of narcissism. At one end are people with a healthy dose of self-confidence, think most celebrities and politicians. At the other extreme are individuals with minimal self-esteem, which manifests as low self-worth and insecurity. Like celebrities, they battle addiction and depression.

Number 2: Narcissists aren’t usually evil.

It may seem like all narcissists are evil, but this isn’t always the case. Some narcissists have a more positive outlook on life and don’t feel the need to hurt others. They might not even realize they are a narcissist. It’s important to know that not all narcissists are bad people. Narcissism is a spectrum disorder, meaning some people have mild symptoms while others have more severe ones. It can also be difficult to diagnose someone as a narcissist without extensive interviews and tests from a professional.

Narcissists are usually very charming and likable. In certain situations, they can be good friends, co-workers, romantic partners, and even parents. Because of their ability to focus on others and make them feel good about themselves, many people with narcissistic tendencies will not admit to having them because they don’t see anything wrong with themselves or their behavior. When they start feeling threatened or ignored, they can become aggressive or self-centered.

Number 3: Narcissists can be male or female.

Narcissism is not exclusive to any particular gender. Male or female does not matter when it comes to being a narcissist. Narcissists come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life. The common misconception about narcissism is that only men succumb to their self-importance and self-admiration. While both genders can be narcissistic, this personality disorder usually manifests differently between men and women. Some studies show women can be more selfish than men. Women are more likely to exhibit narcissistic traits associated with attention-seeking behavior and a need for constant praise from others. Men frequently exhibit aggressive narcissism through traits like grandiosity, entitlement, and self-importance.

Number 4: Narcissists are often very intelligent.

Many narcissists have above-average intelligence, which is why it can be challenging to spot them. Their intelligence can be unexpected and shocking because most of us think they are all just bluffing. But the truth is that narcissists are highly intelligent and use their intelligence to manipulate, deceive, and exploit other people. They have a high level of intelligence that allows them to successfully manage others into believing their lies because they know how to get what they want out of people. They are also very charismatic, charming, and persuasive. They know what to say and how to say it to get what they want out of people. Narcissists have an innate ability to influence others and make them do things that they usually wouldn’t do on their own.

Number 5: Not all narcissists are arrogant.

Shocking, isn’t it? A common misconception is that all narcissists are overconfident and arrogant, but this isn’t true. Some narcissists are so humble it’s painful to listen to them. Some narcissists might be arrogant and boastful, but other types of narcissism don’t involve arrogance at all. They’re also more likely to be givers, not takers. Why are they doing this? Well, these are part of their grooming tactics. They will continually give you what they want to gain control of you.

Some of the most generous people I know are narcissists. It’s just that they give because they want recognition for what the narcissists do, rather than because they want to help other people. But they still want to help other people, they just want to be recognized for what they do and how good the narcissists are doing in the world, which is why they often volunteer or donate large amounts of money. They’re not selfish, they just want people to notice them.

Recommended: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

Number 6: Narcissists don’t necessarily have a lot of friends.

Many narcissists prefer to be alone than with other people. They treat the people around them as pawns rather than friends. Narcissists will usually only be friends with people who can help them somehow, which often means they are not close friends. Narcissists may also have difficulty making new friends because they don’t understand how to relate to others personally. Narcissists are not good at seeing things from other people’s perspectives. They tend to be selfish and don’t care about other people’s needs. Narcissists usually see other people as objects rather than thinking about their friends or family members’ feelings at any given moment.

Number 7: Some narcissists are introverts.

While most people believe that all narcissists are extroverts, this isn’t always the case. Many introverted narcissists can be just as dangerous as any type of narcissist. Introverted narcissists are a bit different than their extroverted counterparts. They may not be as chatty, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the same characteristics or potential to cause harm.

They can even be more dangerous because they tend to hide their true nature better than extroverts do. Introverted narcissists are often master manipulators, and they can easily fool people into thinking that they’re someone they’re not. They also tend to be more cunning than extroverted narcissists, which makes them more dangerous because they hide their true nature better than most people do.

Number 8: Narcissists can be very insecure.

It may seem like narcissists have no insecurities, but this isn’t true. Narcissists are often insecure about their self-worth and value. They feel threatened by anyone who might be better than them, so they seek to tear others down. That is because narcissists have an underlying fear of being worthless, so they must put others down to feel better about themselves. The narcissist’s insecurity is also why they are so prone to blaming others for their mistakes and shortcomings.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
Number 9: Narcissism can get treated.

You may think that narcissism can’t get treated, but don’t fret because narcissistic tendencies can get treated with therapy and medication. There are many ways to treat narcissism, but it’s important to note that this isn’t a quick fix. Narcissism is a lifelong disorder and can take years of therapy before you see significant results. If you think you or somebody you know has a narcissistic personality disorder, seeking treatment as soon as possible is essential. Narcissism can be dangerous if left untreated and can cause severe damage to both the narcissist and those around them.

Number 10: Narcissism isn’t a choice.

Some people may act narcissistically in some situations and not make this choice on purpose. They may be working out of fear or have been abused and are trying to protect themselves. Narcissists may act out when they believe no one else understands or cares about their needs. In these cases, it’s crucial to help the person see how their actions hurt others and themselves. You can also help them gain a better understanding of their own emotions and needs. If you’re dealing with a narcissist, try to get them to see their behavior for what it is. Try to help them understand that other people have feelings too, and their actions hurt those around them.

If they can’t see their behavior as problematic, you may need to walk away from the relationship. You can never be complacent in dealing with narcissists. Narcissism is far too complex to be sure of what you know. It’s a never-ending battle of constant relearning and unlearning to help them. You must be firm and patient in educating them about their destructive behaviors and toxic personalities, but always remember, do not do anything that can compromise your well-being. Prioritize yourself.

Read More: 10 Critical Facts To Know About Covert Narcissists.

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