10 Signs You’re Dealing With a Truly Evil Person

Number 1: They enjoy seeing others fail.

When you let an evil person into your inner circle, they’ll use all sorts of tactics to manipulate your perspective, making you only see the negative side of things. This is because finding satisfaction in the failures of others is a trait that evil people possess. They not only revel in these failures but also eagerly await others’ continuous downfall. That’s not all. They’ll sabotage your chances of success. They see your success as a threat, so they’ll do everything they can to bring you down and make you lose hope.

Number 2: They have a weird vibe.

When you feel negative energy from someone, don’t brush it off. Experts say that people give off emotional vibes that can stick around. Our emotions create an energy field that can affect others, shaping how they think and feel about us. So, we often feel uncomfortable around not-so-nice folks because we feel that negative energy they give off. Feeling that evil vibe might be a bit tricky at first, but trust your gut because it’ll give you clear signals. So, when it’s telling you to stay away from certain people, listen up!

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 3: They’re pathological liars.

Sometimes, people might resort to creating white lies to keep things smooth in a relationship and avoid complications. But evil people lie just because it gives them pleasure. These folks enjoy weaving intricate but made-up tales to boost their social status and stroke their ego. They constantly come up with stories to paint the picture that they live an incredibly exciting life. Worse, they won’t hesitate to spread lies about others, especially if they’ll get something out of it. Ultimately, they don’t care about the consequences of their lies.

Number 4: They believe they’re perfect.

Speaking of lying, evil people often resort to telling lies to keep up the illusion of perfection, which is driven by their unwavering belief in their own infallibility. It’s really tough for someone evil to admit when they’re wrong or acknowledge others’ correctness. They just can’t handle the idea of being imperfect and think everything they say or do is always flawless. It’s as if everyone is wrong and they are right. Their psychological state is all about flawed assumptions. They think admitting mistakes means they’re flawed to the core. Also, their ego gets in the way, stopping them from taking responsibility and fixing things up.

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