10 Things Narcissists Do When You Are Not Around

#3: They will plot for personal gain.

Narcissists are often engaged in plotting and scheming to advance their personal interests. They strategize and manipulate situations or people to achieve their desired outcomes, all while keeping their intentions hidden from you. This behavior is driven by their relentless pursuit of personal gain and control. Narcissists excel at creating elaborate plans that serve their own needs, often at the expense of others’ well-being or without their consent.

Whether it’s in professional settings, relationships, or social circles, they carefully orchestrate events to ensure they come out on top. Their schemes can be subtle or overt, depending on what best serves their agenda at the time. This calculated behavior allows them to maintain a facade of charm and competence while exploiting vulnerabilities in those around them. It’s important to recognize these manipulative tactics early on to protect yourself from being unwittingly drawn into their schemes.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

#4: Manipulating friendships.

Ever wondered how narcissists manipulate friendships? It’s a subtle yet powerful tactic they use to maintain control. They might try to sway mutual friends or acquaintances against you by spreading false stories, planting seeds of doubt, or painting themselves as the innocent party to win support and cut you off socially. This behavior isn’t just about gossip; it’s a calculated move to isolate you and maintain influence. Their goal is to create a divide, leaving you feeling alienated and doubting your own relationships.

By controlling the narrative and portraying themselves as victims, they manipulate others into siding with them. This tactic often leaves you questioning who you can trust and feeling increasingly isolated. It’s a way for them to consolidate power and keep you relying on their version of reality. Recognizing this behavior can help you see through their tactics and maintain healthier relationships. Ultimately, understanding their methods empowers you to protect your social circle and break free from their manipulative grasp.

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