13 Ways To Make a Narcissist Respect You

#1: Self-Respect.

This first one seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, the reality is that a lot of us don’t give ourselves the respect we deserve. When you’re dealing with a narcissist, it’s even more critical. Why? Because a narcissist will always test your boundaries. They’ll push, and if you give an inch, they’ll take a mile. The trick here is standing your ground. Having the courage to say no—no to being treated like a doormat, no to unnecessary demands, and most importantly, no to disrespect. Your self-respect, my friend, acts like a shield. It creates a barrier that commands respect from others. So, wear it loud and proud, and I guarantee even a narcissist will think twice before crossing that line.

#2: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence.

This isn’t about outsmarting the narcissist, but understanding the situation and navigating it. Narcissists are often very emotionally volatile. They’re good at manipulation, and they use emotional outbursts as a tool. But if you can stay calm, observe, understand their triggers and patterns, and not let them affect your state of mind, you’ll win half the battle. This isn’t easy, I’ll admit. It requires patience, practice, and a great deal of self-awareness. But once you master it, not only will you be able to handle a narcissist effectively, but you’ll also find dealing with emotional situations in general a lot more manageable.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

#3: Be Independent and Show It.

Here’s the deal: narcissists love control. They like to feel that they have power over you. By showing your independence, you take that power away. I’m talking about financial independence, emotional independence, and intellectual independence. Show them that you have your own opinions, that you can make your own decisions, and that you don’t need them to survive or thrive. This will make a narcissist respect you because they’ll realize they can’t control you. They’ll understand that you’re your own person and they can’t use their usual manipulation tactics on you.

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