13 Ways To Make a Narcissist Respect You

#7: Maintain Your Individuality.

The unique qualities that make you who you are are also your best defense against a narcissist. A narcissist will try to mold you into someone they can control and manipulate. If you let that happen, you lose. But if you stand firm and maintain your individuality—your unique perspectives, beliefs, and values—you make it clear that you’re not someone who can be pushed around or controlled. Your individuality forces a narcissist to deal with you on your terms. It compels them to acknowledge and respect you and your uniqueness. So, hold on to your individuality. Treasure it, nurture it, and flaunt it.

#8: Don’t Be Afraid to Challenge Them.

Narcissists aren’t used to being challenged. They like to be the authority figure, the one in control. So, when you challenge them—when you question their assertions or their assumptions—you’re essentially breaking the mold they want to put you in. You’re showing them that you’re not just an echo chamber for their beliefs and opinions. But be tactful. You don’t want to come across as confrontational or combative, because that’s just going to start a fight, and you know there’s no point in arguing with a narcissist. Instead, phrase your disagreements or your different perspectives in a respectful manner. This makes it clear that you have your own thoughts and opinions and that you’re not afraid to express them. This respectful assertiveness can be a real game changer when it comes to earning a narcissist’s respect.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

#9: Focus On Mutual Interests.

Narcissists love to talk about themselves—their interests and their accomplishments—but they also love it when others share their interests. So, find those common ground areas. Engage them in these topics. This not only steers the conversation away from potential conflict zones but also creates a platform where you can interact positively. The key here is to keep it mutual. You’re not pandering to their interests; you’re finding a common area where you both can connect. This strategy can go a long way toward earning their respect.

#10: Stay True to Your Principles.

Your principles define who you are. They guide your actions, your decisions, and your interactions. When you’re dealing with a narcissist, they will often try to manipulate or bully you into doing things their way. They’ll try to bend your principles to fit their narrative. But this is where you need to hold firm. Your principles are not negotiable. They’re not up for debate. If a narcissist realizes that your principles are rock solid, they’ll be less likely to try to manipulate you. They’ll know that you’re not someone who can be easily swayed or controlled. This, my friends, can earn you a great deal of respect.

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