5 Crazy S£xµal Habits of a Narcissist

#1: They want to witness you having s£x with others.

They want you to have s£x with others and they want to witness it while it’s happening. Now, I’m not talking about preferences here; this is purely non-consensual. This is forced on you. It is their fantasy that they introduce quite mildly in the beginning to check how you respond to it. If you say no, they know that they can’t force it on you. They can’t be direct. They program you slowly to give in. They manipulate you in myriad ways so that you give in and do what they want you to do. They compare you with others, with modern thought processes, with their friends, and how they enjoy it, and so on. This is how you are manipulated into doing something that violates you inside out.

What do they get out of it? Pure joy. They love the idea of you getting exploited, and violated by strangers. Why? Because you are nothing but an object to them. This is the most extreme example of objectification. That’s how they see you. They do not have any attachment to you; they do not want any exclusivity. They just want to do it for the sake of it, for the fun of it, for the high they can get out of it. Remember that this is something that you are forced to do; it may not be your preference. And that’s why a lot of people, unfortunately, fall for it, yet others save themselves one way or the other.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

#2: They blame you for their s£xµal malfunction.

If it is a cerebral narcissist that you’re dealing with—a cerebral narcissist is a type of narcissist who is like a computer, who is disconnected from the body and has zero interest in being s£xùally intim@te with you, so they can’t perform naturally. Their narcissism operates from their mind, but you are the one to be blamed. They are rock-like; there is no human being. Kissing them feels like you are kissing a dead fish. However, who is the scapegoat? Who gets blamed? You. They do not look within. They say, ‘Oh, it’s because of you. You’re not attractive enough, you’re not thin enough, you’re not fat enough, you’re not this enough, you’re not that enough.’ And you keep improving yourself, thinking that you have to be better for you to be attractive to them.

They may even go on to say that, ‘I have never had these problems with other men or women. It has been perfectly normal. You’re the only one I’m having these problems with.’ So, you figure it out. You go out and try to understand, and then you try all sorts of things. You even do things that you do not prefer to do, which may include and may not be limited to, watching p0rn or doing things in a way that violates your autonomy, that violates who you are as a person. However, it still does not work, and you end up taking the blame for a mistake you never made, for a crime that you never committed.

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