5 Crazy S£xµal Habits of a Narcissist

#5: They talk about your s£xµal connection with others.

And this is the weirdest one. They talk about your s£xµal connection with others with your friends, sometimes as disgusting as this may sound, with your children as well. That leaves you feeling torn apart. You do not know how to handle those conversations, but they bring it up unnecessarily, uncalled for. They will talk about the connection to either shame you or boast about how well they performed or how intense it is. It’s not done in a joking way; it’s done on purpose, and they openly do so without caring how you would feel. Without caring if they’re violating your privacy, if they’re breaching it, if they are going against you. They will talk about it to their friends, your friends, your family, their family, basically everybody else if they can. If that is something they vicariously live through.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

The irony is they won’t let you talk about the actual issues that you’re having with them to other people, because they want you to keep issues within the marriage. For others, we’ll brainwash you against them. They know very cleverly that if you were to tell these things to others, they would tell you what’s going on. They will show you the right way, and then the narcissist will lose full control over you. This is a very crazy behavior that I have seen so many people going through, and to a certain degree, I have experienced this as well with my parents. I’m not ready to talk about it yet; we’ll talk about it soon, but that’s a real thing.

Another s£xµal behavior that I can add to what I just said: They just need a hole. And that is what confuses a lot of people about their orientation. Are they g@y? Are they bi? Are they this? Are they that? Nobody knows. I tell you, narcissists don’t have any true orientation because they do not have a real self, and that makes them quite fluid. At the same time, they can go with anybody. If they have a hole, they’ll use it. As disgusting and as degrading as that sounds, they’ll just take it if there is any. That’s who they are, and that’s how they behave and function.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Do When You Are Not Around.

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