5 Odd Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse

#3: Narcissists and extreme paranoia.

Narcissists often feel very paranoid. This isn’t just a simple worry; this is the kind of fear that makes them question their very existence. It’s like a noisy alarm that never turns off, constantly going off inside their heads. It’s a constant thought in their mind, making them believe that everyone wants to harm them, trick them, and lie to them. Imagine living your life always worried, thinking that everyone is against you. This is what life is like for a narcissist when they start to fall apart. Their world turns into a place of conflict where friends are enemies and enemies are everywhere. It’s a scary place to be in where they can’t trust anyone and feel like they’re always being betrayed.

This fear comes from their super-high self-esteem falling apart. They can’t understand the fact that their greatness was all pretend, that they aren’t as strong as they thought. So they start feeling this fear, thinking that everyone is trying to show their true self to bring them down. It’s a way of protecting themselves from the harsh truth that they are just as normal, just as weak as everyone else. But instead of accepting this truth, they make up a story in their head where they are the victim, the targeted, the misunderstood.

But let’s be clear—this fear isn’t a reason to feel sorry for them. It’s a sign that they can’t accept the truth about who they really are. It’s a desperate attempt to hold on to their falling apart self-image. To them, this fear can be very tough to deal with. It doesn’t just make them feel alone, it also pushes people away. It’s a cycle; as their fear pushes people away, it only makes them believe more that everyone is against them.

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