5 Odd Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse

#4: Narcissists and dissociative amnesia.

Narcissists often forget stuff. This forgetting isn’t just like misplacing your keys; it’s when a person can’t remember important personal things, usually when they’re really stressed or after something bad has happened. Now with narcissists, they use this as a weird way to deal with problems. Imagine a narcissist struggling with their own worries and pretending to be something they’re not. It’s not a nice place to be, right? But here’s the thing—they don’t want to deal with this. It’s too hard, too real. So what do they do? They zone out. They forget about their problems, forgetting why they’re upset. It’s like they go to a place where their problems don’t exist, where they don’t have to deal with the mess inside them. This is forgetting in action. It’s a short break from the real world, a short break from the storm.

But like all good things, it ends, and then they snap back. Suddenly they’re back in their bodies, their problems falling down around them. The pain, the mess, the hard truth—it all comes back. And with it comes a lot of worry, even panic. It’s as if they’ve been holding their breath, and now they’re trying to catch their breath, getting lost in the hard truth they’ve been trying to get away from. So while it seems strange, forgetting is a desperate try by the narcissist to deal with their problems. It shows how far they’ll go to avoid facing the truth about themselves. But remember, this isn’t a good solution; it’s just a short break, a quick pause from reality. And when reality comes back, it hits hard. It’s a scary reality for them.

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