5 Odd Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse

#5: Narcissists accusing everybody.

Narcissists start blaming everyone. When things go wrong, narcissists start thinking that everyone is against them. They start paying too much attention to everything, like being on high alert. If you’ve ever seen a meerkat keeping watch, that’s what it’s like. They’re always looking out for danger, whether it’s real or just in their head. This is because they feel like they’re in a dangerous situation. They’re like a soldier in enemy land, always looking around, unsure of who they can trust. This is a hard and tiring way to live, but for the narcissist, it’s a way to protect themselves. They think everyone is attacking them. They don’t just stop getting suspicious; they start blaming people, often for things they haven’t done. It’s like they’re trying to hit first before they can get hurt. They blame people for lying, for planning against them, for being disloyal.

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These blames often have no truth in them, but the narcissist doesn’t care. They’re not interested in what’s true; they’re interested in staying safe. And here’s one thing—these blames are not only towards strangers or people they don’t know well. They’re often towards the people they’re close to—their friends, family, partners. The very people who would normally help them during a hard time become the targets of the narcissist’s fears. What happens then? They become very lonely. The narcissist makes everyone leave with their blame and fears. They end up alone, surrounded by the walls they’ve built with their own worries. It’s like they make their own fears come true. They think they’re being attacked, so they attack first. And in doing so, they make the people who could have helped them leave.

Read More: 5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism.

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