5 Ways a Super Empath Destroys a Narcissist

#3: A super empath destroys a narcissist’s ego. Their false self.

Narcissists need validation, attention, and admiration. They need to be told or made to feel that they’re better than the rest. But super empaths cannot tolerate this. Everybody is equal in their eyes and that’s how people should be treated. When a narcissist steps into their realm, they have to either accept it or they will get destroyed. There is no other way because a super empath will not think even for a second before shattering this ego by pointing out their insecurities or by ethically using their weaknesses against them to put a stop to their abusive behavior.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

#4: A super empath does not take anything a narcissist says seriously.

Because they know it’s a developmentally arrested kid stuck in an adult’s body. Narcissists are really immature and a super empath recognizes it. That’s why projections, all the blame-shifting, all the bad things narcissists say, super empaths know that there is no truth to any of it. They deflect it right away.

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