5 Ways a Super Empath Destroys a Narcissist

#5: Super empaths fight narcissists really hard.

And they know how to do it because they have a strategy. They know narcissists have a lot to say, but super empaths, healed empaths, are empaths who have a lot to show. They know the predictable behavior, they know the patterns, they know the narcissist is either going to blame them to be a perpetrator or they’re going to pretend to be a victim of their circumstances. And to prove them wrong, to expose them, they document a lot and they know how to coordinate the beast. They see it as a chess game. They know what moves to make to counter the moves this narcissistic individual is going to make.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Which one of these ways have you implemented in your healing journey? What are you doing to corner the beast? Drop your experiences in the comments below, and who knows, you may end up helping so many survivors who need guidance.

Now, let’s talk about becoming a super empath if you aren’t one already.

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