5 Ways a Super Empath Destroys a Narcissist


What is a super empath? A super empath is a person who has done the inner work to heal their wounds, a person who loves themselves in the practical world by respecting their own values, their own boundaries before respecting other people. Because if you respect yourself naturally, you are going to respect others as well. That’s how it works.

So, how do you create a super empath? Is it a divine gift that only certain people are blessed with, or can anybody become a super empath? Of course, anybody can become a super empath. It’s not like people have been chosen. Not necessarily. Any empath, any person who has the capability to be compassionate, considerate, kind, giving, generous, and accepting of others can become a super empath.

Unfortunately, almost all empaths are survivors of complex trauma. This is what I have seen across the board. This is the truth that’s applicable to all people who have a lot of empathy to give. I don’t know why, but it’s like we were trained right from the beginning. So, keeping that in mind, we can also say most of us carry wounds that are triggered by monsters like narcissists, things that we call trauma patterns. We have a template installed by our narcissistic parents that we tend to operate by when we come across toxic individuals. Those are the cycles that you have to break if you want to become a super empath. You have to recognize what happened to you, how that impacted you, and how you can change your current life.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Of course, it’s difficult. Of course, it requires consistency, intentionality, and a deliberate way of living life. But it’s worth it. To become a super empath, You will have to sit with what most people do not address. Your capability to give has to be bounded as well. You cannot be unlimited in your giving because there are takers out there who will keep taking until their last day on Earth, and you will get exhausted. So, you have to find your capacity. You have to give that love to yourself first before offering it to anybody else. That is what self-healing is.

And how would you do that? By knowing who you are, by exploring your values, by building your self-worth through understanding your self-concept. What do you stand for beyond that job, beyond your hobbies? Who are you as a person? When you get an answer to that question, you will truly be able to accept yourself as you are and love all your deficiencies, all your flaws. Accept yourself radically. That is the goal. The moment that happens, nobody will be able to trigger you or use your wounds against you and make you step into a survival mode.

When you become that kind of a person, you become narcissist-proof for real. And you become their Kryptonite. So that is how you become a super empath, a healed empath.

Read More: 5 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have.

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