5 Weird Things Narcissists Believe

Number 1: They delusionally believe they have the full capacity to love.

When you and I both know, love is a concept they only know to weaponize against you. Love is an emotion they know they can invoke in you and then use it to make you do things you would not do otherwise. Love is something they cannot experience or feel. To them, love is an obsession, love is a chase to feel a high that can make them feel temporarily alive.

They also believe that they can fulfill all the commitments, all the promises they make, and that’s illusional, isn’t it? Because when they future-fake you, they’re not just lying to you. That’s why it feels so real. They think they can make all of that come true quite magically, without putting in the work.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

They also believe that they are the most honest person you will ever meet. “Nobody is going to ever love you like them,” which is what they tell you when threatening you with abandonment. They say, “Oh, if you want to leave, you can leave, but remember, you’re never going to find anybody like me,” proving that they falsely believe they are great lovers when the truth is the opposite of that.

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