5 Weird Things Narcissists Believe

Number 5: They delusionally believe that their next partner is going to be better than you.

Instead of looking within and asking themselves, “How did I mess this up? What could I have done better?” All of these questions are asked by all survivors. I get to hear these questions all the time. People really, really look within because the narcissist has convinced them that they are at fault, it’s their problem. However, a true narcissist doesn’t ever think about that. They always think about the replacement.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

They always think about finding a better person, someone who would treat them in a better way, someone who would recognize how worthy they are because you failed at doing so. Someone who wouldn’t dupe and betray them like you did by changing yourself when they are the ones who kept changing themselves like a chameleon. Someone who wouldn’t be so clingy, so needy, someone who would be emotionally stable, someone who wouldn’t have baggage from the past.

That is how they devalue you. That is how they make you feel like you are this filth, this thing that nobody wants to do anything with, that you are undesirable number one, that you are unworthy, and you should become invisible and never come out seeking partnerships or relationships. They think the next person is going to be the answer to all their questions, but as you and I both know, that never ends happening because it’s them who’s the problem. They end up treating the next partner the same way, but in a different manner.

Read More: 5 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have.

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