8 Phrases That Scream Narcissism

#3: “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?”

A third phrase that is very common that screams narcissism is they may just come straight at you with a statement or comment of total invalidation. They may say something like, “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?” As narcissists become more and more familiar with you, they want to let you know if you have a thought, a preference, an interpretation, an idea, or an opinion that doesn’t match with them, it’s like, “Well, one of us has to be right and one of us has to be wrong.” They can’t just say, “Well, let’s learn from each other.” So, when they say, “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?” what they’re really saying is, “I need to remind you in this relationship, my opinion and my interpretation are the only ones that matter. You need to remind yourself of that. Got it?”

#4: “My ex was absolutely crazy.”

A fourth phrase that screams narcissism, and this is one that just whenever I hear this, I’m very suspect. The fourth one can be when a narcissist says, “My ex was absolutely, totally crazy.” Now sure enough, there are times when you’ve had a breakup, whether it’s inside of a marriage, a dating relationship, a business partnership, or a friendship. When they’re looking back, they can say, “Well, you know, that person was really difficult,” and it may very well be the case. But narcissists have a way of just being the victim. They’re constantly the victim, and even if that person that you’ve had to walk away from is somebody that was quite difficult, healthy individuals will say, “You know, I had a very difficult run with that individual, but there are a lot of things about myself that I had to come to terms with.”

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

Narcissists will bypass that completely, and it’s all on the other person. They’re constantly in a blame mode, constantly in a, “Look what they’ve done to make my life miserable” kind of mode. In essence, when they say, “My ex was just totally crazy,” and by the way, there tend to be a whole lot of those totally crazies in their personal history, what they’re saying is, “My middle name is Victim, and by the way, you’re going to be the next one that’s going to be totally crazy because that’s how they roll, and they roll because it’s not going to work when they think that way.”

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