8 Things Narcissists Don’t Get Over

1. Criticism.

One of the first things they struggle with is any form of criticism—perceived criticism, any form of constructive feedback. Narcissistic people take this as a personal attack on their self-image. They can react very defensively, seeking validation. When they’re not getting validation from others and people aren’t agreeing with them, the narcissist takes this as criticism and gets very offended. They’re very sensitive to people not going along with what the narcissist wants. They tend to hold grudges against others and seek revenge.

Yes, criticism isn’t very nice, and yes, when somebody has hurt you in some way, we can have a moment of holding a grudge or wanting to seek revenge. Narcissistic people tend to project their feelings and make them a reality for those around them. The difference lies in those who question whether they’re the narcissistic ones because we can all have these feelings, and then there are the narcissistic one who believes they’re not the issue—everybody else creates their issues.

2. Failure.

We can all be afraid to fail; we can all have a fear of failure. A narcissist will push you to a point where you then do things out of fear of failure, so they can coercively control you into living life on their terms. When it comes to a narcissist, any and all of their failings, mistakes, errors, or wrongdoings are blamed and shamed onto somebody else because they fail to take responsibility for their behavior. A genuine person, when they fail at something, criticizes themselves. They look for ways to improve.

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