Number 1: They’ll discredit the progress you’ve made.
Once the narcissist is triggered by your strength, they will go out of their way to bring you down. They’ll take every chance to point out your mistakes, flaws, or perceived shortcomings—all in an attempt to stop you from feeling good about yourself. They’ll even use your past mistakes against you, holding them over your head with a sixth sense of satisfaction. No matter how far you’ve come or how much you’ve changed, they’ll take great lengths to find anything they can to use against you. It’s their way of undermining your self-worth and self-esteem. They love dwelling on the past and refuse to acknowledge your growth and progress. Not to mention, they’ll do it so that no one will cast a spotlight on you.
Number 2: They’ll see and treat you as their adversary.
When dealing with a narcissist, if they sense that you have a greater personal power than they’d prefer, a few things tend to happen. But their specific reactions can vary depending on the type of narcissist you’re dealing with. For instance, a narcissist who’s fragile and more covert might initially be drawn to your strength, courage, confidence, and power. But eventually, they’ll feel triggered and threatened by these qualities. Once your strong nature starts highlighting their flaws, inadequacies, or lack of integrity and moral compass, those traits they initially came to admire become problematic for them. In their mind, you become their adversary. Suddenly, you’re cast as the villain, while they conveniently assume the role of the victim. This victimhood narrative is typical when dealing with a covert narcissist. They constantly position themselves as the victim, even in situations they’ve not only created but also perpetuated.
A more overt and grandiose narcissist will also be initially drawn to your strength and personal power. They might even find the challenge presented by your strong character to be quite captivating and irresistible. But guess what? Once they realize that you can’t be easily dominated, swayed, deceived, manipulated, or controlled, that attraction will fade away. It’s at that point when your strength and personal power become a huge issue for them, and this frustration might just give them the excuse they need to exhibit some retaliatory behavior, which for them is entirely justifiable.
While a covert narcissist may try to hide their fear, jealousy, and insecurity, you can still really get under their skin without you knowing it. On the other hand, an overt narcissist can quickly go from acting all nice and friendly with you to showing their true colors, unable to hide their triggers or wounded ego as easily. Based on what we’ve seen, all narcissists are pretty sneaky and crafty. But when it comes to this particular aspect, covert narcissists really take their behavior and reactions to another level.
Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.
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