How Narcissists React When They Think You’re too Strong

Number 3: They’ll try to ruin your reputation.

Narcissists have this fundamental desire to always feel superior, in control, and dominant. So when they can’t control you, they start feeling threatened. And you know what they do? They go ahead and protect their false image in their own unique way. They’ll manipulate how others see you, judge you, and even influence their opinions about you. It’s like a preemptive strategy, you know? They’ll discredit you, belittle you, and degrade you so people won’t perceive you as strong. And guess what? This behavior can go on for a long time, even before you realize that something’s not right. Remember, narcissists are so deceptive. They just love to fabricate falsehoods and hide the truth—all without feeling a shred of guilt, shame, or remorse. And they’re masters at putting on a front, acting like everything’s peachy while they’re tearing you apart behind your back.

But here’s the thing: this kind of behavior is not just limited to specific relationships. Narcissistic parents, siblings, spouses, relatives, friends, bosses, and ex-lovers all love engaging in this behavior on the regular. For instance, take the narcissistic parents who pull out all the stops to manipulate, dominate, and control their children. Oh, and those narcissistic in-laws? They can’t wait to tarnish the reputation of any newcomers or outsiders in the family. Because heaven forbid anyone sees them in a positive light, right?

Number 4: They’ll shift how they treat you.

You know, a lot of people don’t realize that narcissists aren’t usually interested in going after those they see as having low social standing. So if you ever find yourself being targeted by a destructive narcissist, it’s probably because you possess qualities that they actually find admirable. Perhaps you radiate positivity and have such a deep sense of empathy and kindness, which they lack. Plus, you’ve likely achieved some pretty impressive personal and intellectual accomplishments. By being associated with you, they feel like their image is elevated, and they look good, which initially appeals to their vanity, you know? In essence, you embody everything that the narcissist lacks. Your strength, personal power, and dynamic attributes are undeniably attractive to them at first.

But here’s the thing: narcissists, as we mentioned earlier, just can’t help but assert dominance over others. They’re obsessed with maintaining a facade of superiority, even if it’s completely detached from their reality. So it’s only a matter of time before your strength becomes a big problem for them, especially for a destructive narcissist. Depending on the situation, you might notice it right away or slowly realize that it’s causing issues in your relationship with them. But believe us when we say that when that shift happens, you won’t be able to miss it.

Suggested Book: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

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