This Is How Narcissists Spy On You

Number 3: Physical surveillance.

The third way is physical surveillance. This is where they basically follow you around. You end up seeing them outside your work, at social events, or even at your house. They can also get others to spy on you as well by feigning concern for your well-being. They can use family, friends, and even neighbors to keep an eye on you and report back.

Number 4: Interrogation.

The fourth way they spy is through interrogation. Narcissists usually love talking about themselves. So, when they come around trying to casually question you about your life and the questions just keep coming, this is not a conversation; this is an interrogation. The narcissist is fishing for information. Their interest in your life is not coming from an innocent place. They may bring these questions to you directly, or they may go to a mutual friend or family member. So, be careful who you tell your business to.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

Number 5: Finances.

The fifth way narcissists spy is by monitoring finances. They want access to all accounts; they want to monitor your spending habits to control your independence. This is financial abuse. And if narcissists can have their way, they want you to be financially dependent on them, as it gives them even more control over you.

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