When Do Narcissists Abandon You?

#3: When their needs aren’t met.

This one is quite intriguing, really. Imagine this: narcissists hunger for constant validation, admiration, and control. It’s like they can never get enough. So if you can’t fulfill these needs or dare to set your own boundaries, they see it as a personal betrayal. It’s as if you’re not playing by the rules, and they don’t like it one bit.

Instead of trying to work things out like mature adults, they’d rather seek validation elsewhere, leaving you high and dry in the process. It’s like they’re always on the lookout for greener pastures, even if it means ditching someone who cares about them. But here’s the thing: it’s not your fault. You’re not responsible for their insatiable appetite for validation. You deserve someone who respects your boundaries and appreciates you for who you are, not just for what you can give them.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

#4: When they find a new source of narcissistic supply.

Narcissists are like emotional vampires, constantly thirsting for attention, admiration, and validation to feed their fragile egos. It’s like they’re always on the hunt for their next fix.

So if they stumble upon someone who offers a more abundant or enticing supply of these things, they won’t hesitate to ditch their current partner like yesterday’s news. It’s as if they see people as disposable commodities, easily replaced when something better comes along. And let me tell you, being on the receiving end of this kind of treatment can leave you feeling like you’re not good enough, like you’re easily replaceable.

Read More: How Do Narcissists React When Confronted?

But here’s the thing: it’s not a reflection of your worth; it’s a reflection of their insatiable hunger for validation and their inability to form genuine connections with others. So don’t let their actions make you doubt yourself. You deserve someone who sees your true value and treats you with the respect and loyalty you deserve.

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