When Do Narcissists Abandon You?

#7: When they feel threatened by independence.

Narcissists thrive on being in control, like puppet masters pulling the strings. But here’s the catch: when their partner starts asserting their independence or autonomy, it’s like a threat to their authority. It’s as if they see it as a challenge to their dominance, and they don’t like it one bit.

So instead of respecting their partner’s boundaries or supporting their interests, they respond by cutting ties and abandoning the relationship altogether. And let me tell you, being abandoned because you dare to assert your independence can leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells, like you’re not allowed to be your own person.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship)

But here’s the thing: it’s not about you; it’s about their need for control and their inability to handle a partner who refuses to be controlled. So don’t let their fear of independence make you doubt yourself. You deserve someone who respects your autonomy and supports your growth as an individual.

It’s crucial to know when narcissists might leave a relationship. Understanding these situations can help you see the signs of a narcissistic relationship. By learning about these patterns, you can take control and protect yourself. It’s all about setting boundaries and looking after yourself. If you see these signs, it’s okay to seek support. Remember, you deserve a healthy relationship where you’re respected and valued.

Read More: 5 Odd Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse.

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